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Highlights of endorsements from leadership, communications, education & speaking engagement projects.  For endorsements from our clients who require more discretion including California state senators, former White House staff and a Disney CEO, drop us a line.
Garden Path
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Sunset over Vineyard
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"..let me start off by saying Kerry Lee is an extremely gifted individual who epitomizes professionalism. Her talents lie in motivational and engaging training, exceptional people skills, marketing (including social media and copywriting) and special event production. She is a person of integrity and her enthusiasm for life is evident in all she does. The words that would best describe Kerry Lee include upbeat, polished, creative, a visionary, a problem-solver, dependable, and finally, she possesses a wonderful sense of humor..."

~Mr. David Lautensack, General Manager 20 Years Alisal Guest Ranch & Resort


"I would like to share my commendation for the work of Kerry Lee Doehr. I served as editor of Special Events magazine for 21 years, 1999 to 2020. During that period, I was grateful to have Kerry Lee contribute. Her articles have always been, as my literature major praised, 'vivid, precise and original.' Kerry Lee generously shared her professional expertise--a rare find in our highly competitive events industry. She consistently offered tips to help working events professionals succeed. I have always admired her honesty. She also encouraged cooperation and collaboration as keys to success. And finally, she always delivered her (work) on time--a rare quality in the events business!

~ Lisa Hurley, Editor Special Events Magazine


"I want to commend the approach you took. Every (team member) that came out of their interview was positive and enjoyed the time they spent with you. What does this mean (to a group of people that historically tend to focus on the negative and are quick to complain)? They like you and trust you! Those emotions are so important in order for the training to be effective and successful...."

~General Manager, Luxury Resort




"Kerry Lee is thorough, responsive and proactive. Truly a professional, presenting a professional image. A rarity among professional speakers – she took the time to know and understand our membership and make her presentation come alive for them. A delight to work with!" 

 ~Susan Gassen, ARA Conference Manager



"There are not enough adjectives to describe Kerry Lee Doehr. Working with her was an absolute pleasure as she was incredibly professional, took initiative, created a phenomenal learning environment and always customized training and speaking engagements to her specific audience. She spoke and trained in language that the particular group could relate to and made it a point to learn their company culture and goals. Her preparation was meticulous, as was evident by the incredible results she achieved. She is also a genuine "people person". Some extreme professionals can come across as cold or unapproachable but Kerry Lee is authentic, interested in people and a great listener. She works extremely well on her own (running her own successful company for the past 20 years) and with/leading a team. Any organization will increase their "people power" standard with her on their team."

~ Lynne LaFond DeLuca, Executive Director Association of Club Catering & Event Professionals (ACCP)



"....Kerry Lee’s focus was to work with and engage our Front Office Staff and Reservations Associates in an effort to bring our customer service to a new level. We were not disappointed. Her enthusiasm was infectious and she was quickly able to connect with our staff and have a positive influence on them. Her presentations were impactful, informative, and entertaining. She helped change the culture here at the Ranch from 'Well, we have always done it this way' to 'Let me provide the best customer service I can to ensure our guests have the most memorable time of their lives.' What we appreciated most about working with Kerry Lee was her ability to cut through the predictable politics, gain the support of staff and management, and deliver results that exceeded our expectations. In fact, our investment in Kerry Lee is one that will live on as we reap the rewards of her efforts."  
~ T. Frost, Company Controller, Alisal Guest Ranch & Resort



"...we want to tell you how much we enjoyed your presentation at the ILEA Los Angeles Symposium. The topic was interesting and you presented the material in a way everyone could understand. We have been getting great feedback on how informative your presentation was."

~ILEA (formerly ISES)- International Live Events Association, Los Angeles Programs Committee



"Ms. Doehr,  who has more than 20 years of hospitality, event management and consulting experience has provided program mix and revenue assumptions. Her skill sets in developing successful programs cannot be underestimated and her contributions to this report have given a valuable understanding of revenue potential from a successfully run program."

~CLSG Consulting (referencing our work consulting on special event and specialty packages for

                                 marketing and revenue potential for a property being built from scratch)



"Thank you for speaking last night! Your presentation was eye-opening and gave us all new ideas to run with. We are truly grateful to have such a wonderful informative speaker at our meeting."  
~NACE Reno/Tahoe Chapter




"Thank you for your years of consulting with the inn on our social media, blogging and a dedicated sales and marketing plan for our special events. I especially appreciated you training our new Director of Catering in her new role with special concentration on private events & weddings." 
~R. Segovia, General Manager Santa Ynez Inn, Santa Barbara Wine Country's Exclusive 4 Diamond Inn



"After leaving the presentation by Kerry Lee, I really did find myself feeling more engaged and inspired. The content was presented in a way that allowed me to think for myself and create my own ideas that would fit my business versus ideas being jammed down my throat. A good shrink does not tell you exactly how to solve your life's problems, they give you the tools to find the best path for you, and that's exactly what Kerry Lee does with her presentations."
~Andy Bomberger, Special Events Coordinator, Nevada Museum of Art


"I've had the pleasure of crossing paths with Kerry Lee at various times over the past 20+ years that we've both been active in the Weddings/Events industry.  From the very beginning, she impressed me as someone with positive spirit, puts her whole heart into everything she does.  In working with venues, wedding couples and marketing partners, she demonstrates a keen understanding of what makes all the pieces come together--stylishly, effectively and creatively.   I attended a recent Fireside Chat (one of her industry innovations!) and was delighted that even an industry veteran like myself not only learned a few things, but felt energized by the experience.  She really is a local treasure!"

~ Jolene Rae Harrington, Media & Communications Director at Here Comes the Guide




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