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There are not enough adjectives to describe Kerry Lee Doehr. Working with her was an absolute pleasure as she was incredibly professional, took initiative, created a phenomenal learning environment and always customized training and speaking engagements to her specific audience. She spoke and trained in language that the particular group could relate to and made it a point to learn their company culture and goals. Her preparation was meticulous, as was evident by the incredible results she achieved. She is also a genuine "people person". Some extreme professionals can come across as cold or unapproachable but Kerry Lee is authentic, interested in people and a great listener. She works extremely well on her own (running her own successful company for the past 20 years) and with/leading a team. Any organization will increase their "people power" standard with her on their team.

Lynne LaFond DeLuca

Founder & Executive Director

The Association of Club Catering & Event Professionals

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